Tuggsy UX Agency


UX/UI Design Sprint

Utilize the Design Fast-Lane Sprint framework for an intense week of research, discoveries, designs, and validations.

Why Opt for an Asynchronous Design Sprint?

Sprinting with precision when time is crucial. these asynchronous sessions are perfect for reimagining features, brainstorming cool POCs, and dreaming up awesome MVP functionalities.

It's a dynamic space where design, marketing, developers, stakeholders, and even potential users come together to make magic happen.

In a nutshell, a Design Sprint example:

reduce cost

"A user interface is like a joke. If you have to explain it, it's not that good."
- Martin LeBlanc

How does it Work?

We start by gathering a group of individuals who bring value from diverse perspectives—whether it's marketing, design, business, or development.

Within a week, we aim to generate a multitude of ideas, putting them to the test in a user-centered approach. Design Sprint is a process where we all learn not only about the product but also about ourselves, and with each iteration, we improve.

Let's sprint, learn, and create together:

  1. Monday - Map

    Monday - Map

    - Define the challenge and set goals.
    - Create a visual representation of the user journey.
  2. Tuesday - Sketch

    Tuesday - Sketch

    - Generate multiple design ideas individually.
    - Present and discuss sketches as a group.
  3. Wednesday - Decide

    Wednesday - Decide

    - Decide on the best ideas through voting.
    - Identify typical users and reach out to schedule user testing sessions for Friday.
  4. Thursday - Prototype

    Thursday - Prototype

    - Develop a realistic prototype based on previous stages.
    - We prepare everything to conduct a usability testing.
  5. Friday - Test

    Friday - Test

    - Conduct user testing with real users.
    - Refine the prototype based on user's feedback.
Design Sprint

Design Sprint

Async 2-week design sprint

Structured innovation at your pace, ensuring steady progress.

  • Bullet Guided step-by-step process
  • Bullet Rapid feedback loops
  • Bullet Daily insight report
  • Bullet Up to 40 hours of Design Sprint
  • Bullet Final comprehensive report
Design Sprint Design Sprint

Design Sprint

Hybrid 2-week Design Sprint

Blend of asynchronous activities and live meetings for focused progress.

  • Bullet Guided step-by-step process
  • Bullet Rapid feedback loops
  • Bullet Daily insight report
  • Bullet Up to 60 hours of Design Sprint
  • Bullet Final comprehensive analysis and report
  • Bullet Post-Sprint Review and Future Strategy
Design Sprint

Design Sprint


Flexible timeline and personalized collaboration.

  • Bullet Guided step-by-step process
  • Bullet Rapid feedback loops
  • Bullet Daily insight report
  • Bullet Final comprehensive analysis and report
  • Bullet Post-Sprint Review and Future Strategy

Other Services

Take a look at the following services; feel free to contact us or book a meeting for a customized solution.

One-Shot Session Service
Little-Big Help

UX Consultation

Organize ideas, prioritize features, or obtain UI/UX second opinions.

Hourly UX Assistance Service
UX Alliance

UX Partnership

Need a hand? We provide on-demand UX design and research services.

Comprehensive Product Design Insights
UX Discovery

UX Discovery

Discover your product's potential. Get informed decisions, reduced risks, and a user-centric product.

Ping us anytime!

Start your Design Sprint. In a blink-and-you'll-miss-it interaction, we can clarify any UX doubts.