Tuggsy UX Agency


UX Partnership

On-demand UX alliance services for seamless collaboration.

Why Choose a UX Alliance?

Tailored UX for your Software Company

Our versatile team of UX designers is ready to fulfill your every design need – from crafting detailed user interfaces and prototypes to providing valuable second opinions.
We're your reliable UX support.

We understand the unique characteristics of software development and its methodologies. Whether dedicated to Agile Scrum, Kanban, or any other approach, we seamlessly integrate into your workflow.

UX Alliance

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."
- Alan Kay

How does it Work?

We are like the 300 Spartans – few, but mighty. If you need a helping hand in your project and require design hours, as if they were in-house, we could be a perfect fit.

Here are some of the reasons why:

  1. Field Knowledge

    Field Knowledge

    We speak the same language as software companies, as we have extensive experience working with them.
  2. Dev Hand-off

    Dev Hand-off

    Hand-off Expertise, we can generate the necessary documentation to facilitate seamless collaboration with developers or any design team.
  3. Active Involvement

    Active Involvement

    We can adapt to your team's way of working by attending meetings and Agile's ceremonies to lend a hand, such as planning sessions or even daily stand-ups.
  4. Same Time

    Same Time

    PST to EST, there for you when you need us.
  5. Pricing


    We believe in transparency, and our pricing is always adjusted to ensure you get the best value.

Together, we can conquer any design challenges. Let's join forces.


UX On-Demand

Light Demand

Our Limited UX Alliance suits occasional UX needs with commitment to quality.

  • Bullet Task-specific expertise UXer
  • Bullet Proactive design suggestions
  • Bullet Bi-Weekly design reviews
  • Bullet Up to 2 Agile team stand-ups per week
  • Bullet Priority response within 24 hours
On-Demand UX On-Demand

UX On-Demand

High Demand

For ongoing projects that demand high commitment and long-term relationships.

  • Bullet Task-specific expertise UXer
  • Bullet Proactive design suggestions and strategy
  • Bullet Weekly design reviews
  • Bullet Up to 3 Agile team stand-ups per week
  • Bullet Priority response within 12 hours

UX On-Demand


Our Custom UX Alliance tailors to unique, ambitious UX projects

  • Bullet Task-specific expertise UXer
  • Bullet Proactive design suggestions and strategy
  • Bullet Weekly design reviews
  • Bullet Up to 3 Agile team stand-ups per week
  • Bullet Priority response within 24 hours

Other Services

Take a look at the following services; feel free to contact us or book a meeting for a customized solution.

One-Shot Session Service
Little-Big Help

UX Consultation

Organize ideas, prioritize features, or obtain UI/UX second opinions.

One-week Fast-Lane Service
Design fast-lane

UX/UI Design Sprint

A One-week collaborative process that explores complex problems to deliver design solutions.

Comprehensive Product Design Insights
UX Discovery

UX Discovery

Discover your product's potential. Get informed decisions, reduced risks, and a user-centric product.

Ping us anytime!

Join a UX alliance. In a blink-and-you'll-miss-it interaction, we can clarify any UX doubts.